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engineer.jpg  弊社・前野技研が所在するフィリピン カビテ州FCIE工業団地は、フィリピン国が指定する PEZA (Philippines Economic Zone Authority)区域にあり、輸出入に関する関税の控除、輸出入の手続きの 簡略化、などの優遇措置が受けられ、尚且つ手続きの全てを英語で行えるビジネスのしやすい環境に ございます。

Factory.jpg  弊社は製缶・溶接・機械加工それに伴う溶融亜鉛メッキ(JIS認定工場)、塗装等の表面処理を得意としております。 現在日本大手企業向けに輸出を行っておりますが、弊社会長自身の長年に渡る大型歯車減速機・製鉄機械・運搬機械・建設機械と それらの据付工事、金型製作等の豊富な経験を活かし、この国の若い優秀な人材を育てながら、事業を営んでおります。
 弊社の特徴は、製造のコストダウンだけではなく、設計援助・試作支援なども同時に行い、お客様が充分に御満足頂ける トータルソリューションを実現しております。

World Class Quality Provider (最高の品質と価格をお客様へ)
 We are located at First Cavite Industrial Estates in Cavite, Philippines as a PEZA (Philippine Economic Zone Authority) locator. We are a manufacturing company in which our products are being exported to Japan And being a PEZA accredited company, we have the capability to import materials from different parts of the world. This is one advantage that PEZA had given to us.
The Philippines is one strategic location to conduct business for Japanese companies. And Filipinos are good partners as employees, since they can communicate in English and can easily learn Nihongo as well.
As of now MGK specializes in fabrication, utilizing expertise of Filipino skill. We produces our products using welding technology and machinery. Our fabricated structures are galvanized, giving it the advantage for a longer life. And every product undergoes strict quality compliance to meet our client's satisfaction, and serve as our service assurance. As part of our company mission, we are honing every young Filipino generation to be globally competetive by means of transferring every technological knowledge in this kind of business.
So far we have a line of satisfied customers whom we have been providing our service, since the birth of MGK. And their patronage with us serves as our credentials that we can globally compete with other companies in Asia. And we are constantly finding ways and means to further improve and enhance our services.
And as always Quality & Safety is our priority.

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